The Front Porch Trust “Breakfast for Champions” April 20, 2023
The Front Porch Trust scholarship fund was established in 2005 by the Paoli Business and Professional Association as an outgrowth of the Paoli 250th year Anniversary celebration.
Each April, the Front Porch Trust awards 6 high school seniors from Conestoga and Great Valley High School for volunteer efforts and civic involvement in our community. The students apply for the scholarship by writing an essay about their efforts and reflecting on a very inspiring quote by author and cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has."
Today, along with State Representatives, school administration, PBPA members and their parents, we had the honor to award the students and hear their essays. It was very heartwarming and inspiring to see these young adults serving those in need in our community. We thank our PBPA members and community partners for allowing us to continue this endowment.
Great Valley High School
William C Hauser III
Christine Shin
Haley G English
Conestoga High School
Sharanya Ravishanker
Jeslyn Wu
Jackson Alexander
Thank you to our sponsors:
Wilmington Savings Fund Society
The upper main line YMCA
The Allstate Foundation
Franklin Mint FCU
Matthews Ford Paoli
The Thompson Lodge # 340 Paoli
The Paoli Business and Professional Association members